Kid- Friendly Improv Comedy Shows For Kids in Austin
We love comedy and have found 3 of the best kid- friendly improv comedy shows for kids in Austin. It’s a fun way to get out with the kids and laugh our booties off. There’s something for everyone here- even if you are too shy to get up on stage. It’s such a great way to introduce your kids to theater! Here are our favorites.
Kid- Friendly Improv Comedy Shows For Kids in Austin
Excused Absence Comedy
Saturdays, 11 a.m. – noon, $5 (at the door or online)
Why we love it:
Best for all ages and great for those kids who are ready to get up on stage! They take audience member volunteers and will make you feel right at home on the stage. The cast is made up of hilarious adults who make sure everyone is laughing and having fun. This show will break you out of your comfort zone but in a sweet and nurturing way!
Family Maestro Shows
Sundays, 4-5 p.m., tickets are online as low as $5
Why we love it:
Funny cast made up of adults and kids. Not many opportunities to volunteer to be up on stage (probably because the cast is huge already?) This is a competition-style show where you vote for your favorites with your applause. We liked seeing the wide range of ages among the cast and how well they all play off each other.
Comedy Sportz
Saturdays from 7:30-9 p.m. $8-15
Why we love it:
This show is hilarious. We’ve gone twice and my tummy hurt from laughing so hard both times. The cast is all adults but they will bring kids up on stage occasionally. This is a clean, family-friendly show, but not specifically geared towards kids, so it might be best for older kids since young kids might not grasp the topics. It’s competition-style and you vote for your favorites with your phone.